Today on Early Childhood Chats we sat down Zac Garsik the Vice President of Operations at Fusion Networks to talk about IT Basics in Early Childhood settings and how you can increase your programs #datasecurity.
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whoa well hello everybody Welcome Back
to Early Childhood chats we're excited
to have you with us on the podcast we've
got my good friend Zach garc here from
Fusion networks we're gonna be talking
about it Basics and Zach I gotta tell
you it has become a big part of Early
Childhood absolutely so tell us who you
are tell us about some of the work that
you do and say hi to the folks out there
hello everybody uh my name is Zach gari
I work I'm the vice president of
operations for Fusion networks and we
are an internet and Telo services
provider and we specialize in providing
schools uh internet that gives them the
resources and the speeds that they need
for all the services that they need to
provide to the students in the staff
today so obviously the pandemic massive
massive need for technology absolutely
what are you kind of seeing now that the
pandemic has has weaned itself are we
still pretty reliant on technology even
more okay um the need for people to be
able to work remotely exposed um the the
needs for better quality internet
services um you know a lot of these
schools just get the basics of what they
need home quality internet and it's not
reliable not consistent and you start to
see now that when people are remote um
all the applications that the schools
need you have to have better quality
services and the problem is the people
who are the decision makers for these
schools uh have backgrounds in finance
Administration facilities and they don't
know the right questions to ask or their
needs are to be able to get the right
services for their schools uh so what we
kind of focus on to help the our clients
and and potential clients is to help
them give them the basic education they
need for their services uh so they can
ask the right questions um hold their it
people accountable uh often it'll happen
is your IT staff will hold you hostage
uh because they're the ones who know
everything yeah uh and so being able to
educate yourselves is just becoming more
and more important for these decision
makers at the schools and it's tough
because they don't have the time for it
right they have to do their budgets they
have to do their trainings they have to
get their staff equipped uh but it's
really worth the investment now of
getting the basic education of it so
that you can understand what needs to be
done uh it it directly impacts your
school environment uh one of the people
in the sessions we were talking about
over the over the the event here was uh
there's major issues now with staff
bringing their own devices to the
schools laptops computers and it's
compromising uh the networks in the
schools and is actually leading to
issues with children uh you know staff
innocently giving uh students their
phone to play something and now all of a
sudden they're going to an inappropriate
website and it can cause huge issues so
once you have those basic education and
understanding of the basics of
Technology you can now start holding
your staff accountable having the right
questions having the right discussions
you know how do we provide these
services to our staff families and all
that and it's it's just a good
conversation to start having now um
because like you said it's becoming more
and more reliant on on technology uh you
you're looking at everything now is an
app these days yeah oh my goodness a lot
of bandwidth needed for all that stuff I
would think exactly right exactly so
what would you say are the biggest kind
of missteps are some of the biggest I
guess mistakes might be the better word
like you go in you work with a client
you're starting to dig around their
Network their internet you're just like
oh my gosh I can't believe they're doing
ab or C like what does that kind of look
like so I think the biggest m misstep is
not addressing it we often go in and we
see that these the school and the staff
has been suffering with poor
connectivity whether it's a poor
internet service or poor Wi-Fi for years
years yeah and it's something that could
very simply be resolved with the right
technology and the right product um and
then also not understanding uh how eate
works so not everybody knows but there
are um charges on every single internet
Bell if you ever pull out your cell
phone bill okay the federal government
actually has a little tax on there and
then they take that money and they use
it to provide funding for schools
specifically to get quality internet
services um so many of the
administrators or decision makers aren't
even aware of the program uh the great
thing especially for Head Start is you
can sometimes get covered up to 90% % of
your internet service wow through the
program that allows you to get a better
quality service that allows you to get a
more bandwidth to be able to provide the
service that you need across the board
but actually save you money compared to
what you were paying previously um so
the lack of information sometimes uh is
is the other big misstep so how do
people kind of find out if they're
eligible or enter into that or I'm sure
there's probably some websites you're
eate okay you definitely want to get
connected with an eate consultant okay
um quite a few good ones that have been
here at the event uh and we can refer
people to them if they need to but a
good eay consultant is going to go with
you uh get through all your financials
to make sure you qualify get make sure
that your student population allows you
to qualify and then they're going to
help you get all your applications in uh
and they'll guide you through the
process of making sure that you're
getting what you need for your
technology okay um there's actually two
separate categories in E rate there's
category one which covers your internet
services and then there's category too
which also will cover parts of your
network and there's some very very
specifics um and that's why you would
want to discuss with your e consultant
but you can sometimes get your in
network Wi-Fi connectivity U firewall
connectivity covered under those
programs um and the management of it and
a lot of people just don't know and so
wow that information is out there I mean
that I would think that bill could be
kind of substantial every month if you
can get some of that covered that would
be a big very significant so talk to me
about in these terms get thrown a lot
around a lot so you know you think about
goash when this internet started we had
dialup internet y then we kind of had
people moving over to I guess cable
based like it would come in the same way
you could watch television correct uh
we've got people on um you know copper
we got people on fiber Y what does all
this stuff mean what's the best one
explain it break it 101 stuff what does
that mean uh so kind of the standard
right now that most people are going to
be exposed to is cable modems cable
internet because that's what you have at
your house sure um the difficulty with
that is it is a small business class
product uh and it's considered best
effort so anyone who's ever had problems
with their home internet knows uh they
just do their best to get your services
back up and running and so that can be
tough for schools because they can't
afford to be down right um so the next
level up from business class services
are going to be Enterprise Services the
Enterprise Services they actually
guarantee your service so if they have
downtime you'll actually get a refund
um but it's much much more reliable so
the likelihood of going down is is less
likely uh that is going to be provided
either over a copper wire um or over a
fiber cable okay now fiber is usually
the way it's provided because it allows
you to get a better connection over
longer distances uh and it improves
what's called latency um so a common
misconception today and everyone sees it
every ad ad you ever see for internet is
bandwidth is the speed of your internet
right so I have a 500 Meg connection at
home and that's how fast my internet is
okay it's actually not the way it works
um your bandwidth is kind of how wide
the highway is and how many cars you
could fit on the highway at one time
okay but what actually controls the
speed of the internet is something
called latency and latency is almost
like the speed limit of the highway I
it's how fast the information that
you're sending to the internet gets
there and comes back um so Enterprise
services will actually give you better
latency and that better latency will
give you an improved experience overall
um in case in fact you can actually
sometimes have lower bandwith at a
cheaper price on an Enterprise circuit
than you would need for a cable modem or
business class circuit um so the quality
of let's say a 100 Meg Enterprise
circuit would actually outperform a 500
Meg cable modem potentially depending
upon what you're doing and how Reliant
you are on that latency so latency I'm
guessing is some kind of distance or
connection or something to what other
server like what correct okay yeah so
when you go to a website or an
application um you're actually sending
information over the internet to a
server somewhere to a computer somewhere
got you know the joke is that the cloud
isn't really a cloud it's just somebody
else's computer okay uh so when you're
connecting there and so the faster that
your information can get there and come
back the better your quality excuse the
better your experience will be sure um
so if you're ever you know doing budget
at the end of the month filing grades at
the end of the month and you're sitting
there struggling because it's just slow
um it could be something just a simple
as improving the latency to your to your
connection well there you go everybody
talks about bandwidth all the time yeah
big difference exactly so when folks get
with Fusion networks kind of talk us
through that process what what can you
do for folks how do they engage with you
like what what does that whole thing
look like yeah so one of our uh biggest
uh things that we do is we actually will
partner with our our customers
especially with the schools um so we'll
come in we'll do an audit to see what
they actually need we'll help them kind
of figure out what their needs are which
is part of the eate process and so we'll
also work with youra consultant okay uh
but then we'll also assist you with the
transition uh so we'll come in we'll
make sure that all your connections are
made properly uh and then any changes
that need to be made on your network
will actually assist with that um so
many schools don't have it staff right
uh so we'll actually come in and consult
with them and help them through the
process now we're not going to be going
through and you know scrubbing viruses
off computers um but we will come in and
do everything we can to make sure that
the transition goes smoothly that you're
educated on what we're actually doing so
that you can um be able to talk to it
and speak to you know Administration on
on the details of what we're doing and
then we'll uh even post more or after
install we'll work with you to make sure
that it's doing everything that you need
um we monitor their services as well so
if there are any issues or outages
usually we'll know before the school
even does wow so I mean you're kind of a
One-Stop shop for correct all
connectivity I guess it would be that's
absolutely right uh you know it's
interesting to me if you look and some
of the states still have licensing
requirements that require a landline but
boy oh boy as I travel the country the
landlines are kind of going like the
dinosaurs so most people are now
switching to voiceover Internet Protocol
viip what kind of impact does that have
on a network I would think that those
are probably taking some resources I
don't know absolutely uh so phones don't
use a tremendous amount of bandwidth uh
but it it can impact a network uh so you
you definitely need to have an audit
done to make sure that the network can
handle it uh but it makes a huge
difference um when your phone system is
tied to your building so the old on
on-prem systems the big boxes in the
corner that you know generate enough
heat that you don't have to turn the
heat on during the the winter months um
are tied to the building so during the
pandemic schools started realizing that
they needed to be able to have
communication with their teachers who
are remote
and they started relying heavily on uh
their cell phones and it caused a lot of
issues now with the hosted voice
platforms now we can actually phones
just need internet electricity so we can
actually take those services and provide
them anywhere wow uh the other thing as
well is we can um we host everything for
them so it's if there's an issue at the
building uh power outage or they have to
leave the building what happens now when
parents need to reach the the students
right or if there is uh some kind of
event in the school where they have to
vacate the building they lose the
ability to commun communicate through
the phone system sure with our hosted
voice platforms you can communicate from
anywhere so we can have cell phone apps
uh we have uh wireless phones that you
can take anywhere with you wow so now in
in unfortunate disaster scenarios
whether it's you know active shooter
situation or power outage or fire in the
building will allow you to maintain
communication to your step and to your
parents through the phone system and you
don't have to worry about the building
being the connection point we take care
of that fly that's really cool and I
know some of the teachers are look
they're just a bit reluctant and
understandably so like I don't
necessarily want every parent having my
personal cell phone number exactly so it
sounds like through this service you can
actually utilize some of that technology
to corre almost be blinded or something
like that yeah so the applications that
run on cell phones and tablets actually
allow you to make and receive phone
calls from the school's phone number W
so whether it's a school provided uh
device or a h parent or staff provided
device just put the application on and
allows them to communicate as if they're
from the school so it does add a layer
of privacy but in a way that allows you
to have
communication kind of anywhere which is
which is you know an excellent it's a
requirement these days you know yeah
absolutely because you don't necessarily
want to share your personal private cell
phone with everybody I mean that's yeah
I can understand there's some concerns
about that right so we're here obviously
at the New York State Head Start
Association conference I guess people
say what's Fusion Network's doing here
at the conference what are you guys up
to uh so we're trying to connect with uh
with everybody um you know kind of what
I was talking about earlier is we we
really focus on educating the schools um
so helping the staff and administrators
just understand what needs to be done
how to communicate how to ask the right
questions and then hopefully obviously
we want to provide them their internet
and hosted voice Services uh but it's
been a great conference we it's been
good being here um it was great doing
some of the the sessions as well and
connecting with everybody and uh we're
excited looking forward to being back
next year and being in stwn oh Virgin
Islands will be fun I'm glad you guys
are coming so I know you you're doing
schools you're doing Head Starts what
about other big you know nonprofits or
churches or what is kind of your limit
there what your sectors you're in so any
any business that relies heavily on
Internet services is kind of about
category so what I say is if if your
internet goes down and your business
goes down
that's the type of services we provide
so we're not going to provide servic for
a barber shop uh but we focus a lot on
um providing nonprofits and so a lot of
the large churches and schools but then
also financial sector uh and then also a
lot of medical sector so we have a lot
of large medical clients and uh it's
it's been very good uh good time of year
for us oh congratulations and thank you
so much for being here absolutely Zach
for Fusion networks if you want more
information how do we get a hold of you
sure you can reach us at Fusion that's our website
um and then you can also uh do I get my
email address sure well if you'd like to
so you can always reach out to us at
salesfusion and we'll be
able to help you out wonderful well thank you again for being really appreciate it thanks everybody
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