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10 Tips for Back to School Safety During COVID-19 Coronavirus
Our emergency preparedness, safety, and security experts created a list of 10 tips for back to school safety during COVID-19
Sep 15, 2020

Knowing This Smartphone Trick Just Might Save Your Life
Our 911 emergency communication system was developed in 1968 when calls for emergency services originated from landline phones.
Sep 2, 2020

A COVID Social Story: Helping Kids Cope with Change
The summer has been an uncertain time in child care.
Aug 24, 2020

Emergency Preparedness Online Training Courses for Early Childhood Professionals
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges to public health and safety.
Aug 17, 2020

How to Prepare For Hurricane Season During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
According to CNN, the Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30.
Aug 7, 2020

Congress Must Act to Save Child Care
ring these unprecedented times, federal support is desperately needed to ensure the continued viability of child care in the United States.
Institute Staff
Jul 31, 2020

How to Prepare For, Respond to, and Recover From Tornados
Tornadoes are the most destructive weather-related natural disaster, and they can destroy school buildings and cause irreparable damage.
Jul 27, 2020

Mass Shooting Survivor Lacey Newman Offers Life-Saving Advice and Lessons Learned
On October 1, 2017, Lacey Newman’s life changed forever.
Jul 20, 2020

A Wave of Mass Shootings During 4th of July Weekend Causes Safety Concerns for Child Care Programs
Gun violence continues to rise at a historical rate as the United States tries to recover and develop reopening procedures from COVID-19.
Jul 10, 2020

Protecting Children: Preventing Deaths From Hot Cars
The Institute for Childhood Preparedness and Kids and Cars have teamed up to educate the public.
Jun 30, 2020

Una mujer pide una pizza a domicilio para comunicarse con el 9-1-1 en una respuesta de emergencia
Puede que no parezca algo importante, pero usar palabras de código durante una llamada telefónica al 911 puede salvarle la vida.
Jun 11, 2020

There Has Been A Surge In Active Shooter Events During The COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
As many as 41% of all school attacks occur within one week of returning after a break.
Jun 11, 2020

Una carta de nuestro Director Ejecutivo sobre ejercicios de disparos activos no anunciados y disparo
grandes sindicatos de docentes se han unido para condenar los simulacros de disparos activos que causan trauma a los docentes y estudiantes
May 29, 2020

Safety and Security Protocols for Child Care Programs During and After COVID-19 Coronavirus
Stay-at-home orders have been lifted in over 25 states, and that means that more child care programs are set to reopen soon.
May 29, 2020

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el coronavirus COVID-19
Todavía hay mucho que no sabemos sobre el coronavirus.
May 19, 2020

Lo que los profesionales de la primera infancia deben saber sobre el curso de capacitación en línea
Nuestra capacitación en línea sobre coronavirus COVID-19 para profesionales de la primera infancia ya está disponible.
May 7, 2020

Coronavirus: es hora de cerrar los programas de cuidado infantil
Estos son tiempos sin precedentes. En todo el país, hemos visto cierres masivos de una amplia variedad de empresas, desde cines, bares...
Apr 17, 2020

Consejos de una maestra de kinder
Durante este tiempo sin precedentes en Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo, el Institute for Childhood Preparedness se compromete a proporcion
Apr 16, 2020

Child Care Professionals Demand Action: An Interview With Phyllis Johnson
COVID-19 coronavirus has upended the daily lives of millions of individuals across the United States.
Apr 15, 2020

Acceso completo o puertas cerradas en instalaciones de cuidado infantil familiar
Durante nuestros recientes viajes a Kansas y California, surgió un tema alarmante entre los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar.
Apr 15, 2020
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